Happy End of the Old Year, Friends! Here’s to always making it better and better for all living things, together. Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and joyful 2018. Yes, life is a challenge, but where there’s life, there’s hope.
Remember, pets do not like fireworks. Keep your pets inside, and safe, on New Year’s Eve. And ENJOY!
I’ve spared you my usual endless details of exactly what we did for each rescue organization listed below. You know by now. If they are listed here they are wonderful, do great work, and received everything from donations to Little Guy Grants from us this last period. Please check them out and support them if they are near your city.
Forgotten Animals of Los Angeles
A great cat rescue whose pictures do not transfer from their site. So go there to see the cats, and get one!
My Way Home Dog Rescue
Sandy, OR
“We may not be able to help all dogs in need, but we can help some dogs. Join us – Adopt a Dog.”

Project Precious Rescue
Stamford, CT
“We rescue dogs and cats, and do not discriminate against age/breed.
PPR believes every animal deserves a second chance!”
A 2017 Tails of Joy Hero: Wiley Miller of Non Sequitur, syndicated comic strip
On Oct. 22, Wiley drew a magnificent Sunday strip that ran in newspapers across the country, moving the whole darn country to tears. He sent people to www.tailsofjoy.net in that strip, and we made many new friends. Then, he donated the original strip to us for auction on ebay, to benefit Tails of Joy. With 78 bids, the strip sold for $2600. But people kept emailing to ask how they could get a copy, everyone still wanted to own this beautiful piece of art. So Wiley decided to print color versions, one at a time, hand signed by him individually any way you request, for $150 each, to continue to benefit Tails of Joy. Hero.
Wiley and Victoria, beautiful inside and out.
Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue
Central FL
“Where life begins again.” For abused and neglected horses, ponies and donks.
Bosley’s Place
Atlanta, GA
Holley’s Hopping Habitat Rabbit Rescue & Education Center
Haughton, Louisiana
A 2017 Tails of Joy Hero: Shari Elf, Artist
I have collected Shari Elf’s art since we met in the 1990s. She is not only an incredible artist, designer, musician, seamstress, and all around special soul, she is an angel. I had so much of her art with nowhere to display it, even though it was painful, I decided to auction it off to benefit TOJ. Shari, knowing if she auctioned it to her collector fans she’d get the most for us, did all the heavy lifting of photographing, listing, writing, wrapping, shipping, etc. etc., and didn’t take one penny of the proceeds, which were enough to save nineteen dogs this holiday season. Shari, we love you and thank you, and want to buy more art from you even though we have an open floor plan with no walls.
Then and Now
Pug Hearts of Houston
Houston, TX
Their photos do not come off their website so please go look at the pugs, and then bring home four or five. They’re small.
Furry Friends Foster and Rescue
Harwinton CT
“We bring dogs (and an occasional cat) into our rescue primarily from municipal CT pounds. We also help dogs whose families are unable to continue to care for them for a variety of reasons. Our mission as a rescue includes helping dogs that might otherwise find it hard to be adopted, or that other rescues might pass by. Whenever possible, we will consider rescuing dogs with substantial medical needs, and dogs requiring training/retraining and behavioral rehabilitation required for each dog to become a wonderful member of an adoptive family.
Los Angeles, CA
Always walking the walk, year after year, through natural disasters and the usual disasters, Linda Blair keeps hundreds of dogs a year safe, warm, fed, and however long it takes, finds them their forever, loving homes.
Tail Waggers Rescue
We helped homeless people and their pets all year long, through our tireless rescue partner, Maria Modica, who runs Tail Waggers Rescue. From vet bills to warm coats for people and their pets, to bags of food, to everything needed, we were there.
Our 2017 Tails of Joy Heroes: You
Thank you all so much for your support. Our monthly donors make the wheels go round, our any time donors make it possible to save more lives, and our online shoppers make it possible for us to save lives every day. We can never thank you all enough. Thank you a million times. Shop here for so many fun and exciting things. 100% goes to rescue, we are all volunteer, no salaries, no “perks”.
Guardians of Rescue
Smithtown, NY
We donated to their “Give Me Shelter” program, to help build dog houses for outdoor dogs in this cold east coast winter. The entire community came together to build them. “We will have many houses for unfortunate, outdoor dogs this winter.”
“Edith and Julie’s Spay and Neuter Fund at Tails of Joy“
Little Guy Grant to Paws and Love
Beaufort County, Washington, North Carolina
We received a beautiful thank you, telling us how much good our last Little Guy Grant did, so we did it again.
“Good Evening Elayne!! I wanted to thank you so much for your past support for Paws and Love, Inc. You generously sent us a grant for $5,000 to assist our rescue with our TNR program. (2 checks for $2,500 each). As we begin out budget for the 2018 TNR fund I am hoping we can count on your support again. Your generosity provided TNR services for 100 cats !!! In our community we aim to complete 365 spay/neuters for the 2018 year. That is ONE per day!! I also volunteer my services as a vet tech for these surgeries. No doubt this will require additional fundraising on our part. We would be ever so grateful for any amount you and Tail of Joy can contribute. If you are EVER on the East Coast we would love to have you visit us.
I look forward to hearing from you!”
The Little Red Dog
Southern California
December 31, 2017 – “Last chance to save a life! Double your gift with a matching grant up to $1,000 today only!” We did.
“We’re on a mission from Dog.”
Joshua Tree, CA
Help Orphan Puppies, Inc.
Albany NY and surrounding areas
“We specialize in orphaned puppies, pregnant dogs, moms with nursing babies, puppies and puppies with special needs. ”

Wolf Spirit’s Rescue
Puppy Mills are the scourge of our country for dogs. Simply, they are factory farming of dogs, with the same inhumane conditions, bringing heartbreak to animals and the people who buy from pet shops, as many are congenitally ill. Wolf Spirit’s rescues puppy mill dogs who are bred out and used up, or “not worth selling”. The reason Tails of Joy donated here is because Wolf Spirit’s does not pay for these dogs. We feel rescues, with good hearts who mean well, but buy these dogs out of the breeding system, are enabling that system. Wolf Spirit’s is a true rescue organization.
Mutt Match LA
One of the absolute best rescues anywhere.
Senior Ride Rescue
“Enriching the lives of senior animals.” We love the seniors. Adopting a senior will bring you joy you could never imagine. Try one!
A 2017 Tails of Joy Hero: Leon Wagner
We could not do what we do without Leon. He designed the website and troubleshoots 24/7. He and his husband John find the most amazing items for us to sell while they’re shopping to stock their own beautiful furnishings company, Seven Colonial. Leon went to the post office a zillion times this month to get all your purchases out on time. He is a true rescuer and a true hero. And our newest board member.
Angel’s Heart Dog Rescue
Southern California
“Angel’s Heart is a small rescue located near the Orange County/Riverside County border. The primary focus is to rescue a few dogs from overpopulated shelters that simply need more time for someone to notice them. We are not necessarily looking for the cutest fluffies or super popular breeds; we frequently look for dogs that others will not give a chance to, or are overlooked. This includes dogs that are slightly older, or dogs that may have an injury or medical concern that we as a rescue can address in order for that dog to become adoptable without being an ongoing hardship to an adopter. The intent is to locate friendly animals who could otherwise be great family pets if not for their misfortunes.”
Sachi Animal Rescue
Southern California
Mostly Boxers, and some Boxer mixes. And Boxers. Did I say Boxers? I LOVE Boxers.
Noah’s Arks Rescue
Beaufort, South Carolina
We helped put Dusty, a severely abused Maltipoo, back together again.
Saving Dogs in Puerto Rico
Save a Sato
We donated to help get supplies and transport to needy dogs in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Twice. The second truck went from North Carolina to Ft. Myers, FL, and then Puerto Rico. It took a village and many dedicated, tireless rescuers.
Dogs on the Move – Transport #163
From MDAS in South Florida to waiting homes in Iowa.
DOTM Transport #163 is ready to get ON THE MOVE with these wonderful dogs. Every one of these dogs were urgent and almost all had urgent pleas sent out by the shelter for rescue. We have owner surrenders, strays, dogs with URI and other medical issues such as Entropian & severe skin conditions, dogs that were at the shelter for several months and several fearful dogs. All very deserving of a second chance.
This transport of very deserving dogs is going to our partner JCHS in Iowa.
Adopt a Boxer Rescue
Operates in seven East Coast States
Not only do we donate money, we often donate items for rescue groups’ auctions/sales/raffles. These donations turn into even more money for the group. Along with our check to Adopt a Boxer Rescue, we donated one of our big beautiful boxer pillows for their silent auction. We sell our gorgeous boxer pillow (along with several other breeds) for $75. We know we’d sell ten times the amount if people could only see them in person. Well, the winning bid for our Boxer Pillow was $212. You have to see these in person. The best way is to buy one.
Start Animal Rescue
Co-ordination between Southern California and out-of-state rescue groups.
Saving hundreds of lives a year by getting dogs out of overcrowded California animal shelters, and transporting them to waiting homes in the Pacific Northwest. And, providing spay/neuter services yearly for hundreds of animals. We brought five cartons of donations to their Sherman Oaks Rescue Resale Store. Please shop there and donate your unwanted items too.
To see all of our rescue work in 2017, please go here and enjoy our happy stories in bite size posts.
If you live in So CA please link your Ralph’s Market card to Tails of Joy and they’ll donate to us every time you shop at no cost to you. Click here to sign up. It must be done anew every single year, and will be good until September 1, 2018.
Thank you to all who shopped us for the holidays. Here is our friend Janet’s gorgeous tree, sporting all of the Tails of Joy critters you made such a success.
Our totes flew off the shelves and saved so many lives. Thank you. There are about two dozen left, and when they’re gone, they’re gone.
We thank you all and love you. We will keep our paws crossed for a better world for all in 2018, and we will always, always try to be there for you and your pets.
Happy New Year!
Bonnie and Bravo, rescued Rottweilers of our wonderful friends and supporters, David and Natalie Sackin Schlocker of DRS and Associates.