Happy Summer, Peeps!
We hope everyone is enjoying the restored freedoms we did not have last summer, and is getting out and about again, safely and smartly. It’s so great to be back at all the places where dogs can run and play and we can visit with humans again. This summer’s heat is boiling everywhere, so remember all the ways to keep your dog cool and safe. We will revisit that at the bottom of the newsletter. I (Elayne) am spending the summer house and dog sitting in a little village in Italy, but rescue never takes a vacation, and Tails of Joy continues our rescue work daily. We hope all the happy stories you make possible bring a smile to your lovely faces.
Helping Hearts & Healing Tails Animal Rescue
This all volunteer rescue organization does great work taking in dogs, cats and more and getting them ready for their forever homes, no matter how long it takes. They were hit hard by the lockdown Covid year, so Tails of Joy made one of our big Little Guy Grants to keep them going. Here are some fantastic adoptable animals for you to consider:
Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary
Germantown, IL
We love Critter Camp and donate as often as we can. This year the pandemic hit them really hard and we were happy to be able to help out. The little guys need to eat too!
“Critter Camp is the only Exotic Pet Sanctuary operated solely by volunteers that is USDA licensed, 501c3, and accepts only small unadoptable unusual pets – no wildlife, cats or dogs or farm animals.
We take in abused, abandoned and otherwise homeless small exotic pets.”
Strangest Angels
California and Mexico
You all know by now that Elle never sends me the photos she promises lol. We again paid to spay and neuter a whole bunch of doggies.
Tails Waggers Rescue
Grants Pass, Oregon
Helping the pets of the homeless.
“Hi Tails of Joy,
We are out of dog food.”
No you’re not.
“Someday I want to help animals too!”
You can do that right now, at no cost to you. Start your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com every time you shop on Amazon. Bookmark it. But first, go there and choose Tails of Joy, Studio City, as your designated charity. From that moment on, Amazon will donate .05% of your spending to us every time you shop, at no cost to you. You and your purchases remain anonymous to us. It only works if lots and lots of people sign up for us. We hope you will. Tell your friends and family too. It makes a huge difference to the animals it helps us save. Get started. THANKS!
Dogs on the Move
Across the country from Florida to state to state.
Tails of Joy gets many many many requests for huge (five figure) sums to help one dog or one cat. We are not able to practice that kind of rescue, giving huge amounts for one save. We are small and try to help the most with the least. So when requests like those come in, we donate what we can that day, and know that in cases like that, it indeed takes a village, and enough people will rise to the occasion to save a needy pup or cat. We are glad to help as much as we can afford every time. We donated to the cases below:
MDAS thought she was hit by car BUT when we rescued her and transported her to our ER vet, and after a full comprehensive examination, they informed us that she was a BAIT PUPPY! Thrown in the dog fighting ring! There were just too many deep puncture wounds ALL OVER HER BODY. Please donate any amount and please share. We believe her bills will reach $8000 – $10,000 before all is said and done.”
“Just a few weeks ago he was literally at death’s door but then we stepped in and sent him over to the best animal hospital to deal with Parvo. They were not even sure he was going to make it! LOOK AT GRAYSON NOW!”
Ambrio – Amputation to one leg and injury to another!
“Emergency Rescue of 11-month-old Ambrio! Amputation needed! Ambrio, with the saddest eyes came into the shelter as an owner surrender. He could not walk due to the pain and his paw was just dangling there. It was evident that he was hit by a car. After examination by the vet, it was also determined that another leg was injured but the injury was much older. He was actually hit by a car twice! Once recently and once when he was very young. He is only about 11 months old now! He is 60 lbs and cannot walk.”
And now he’ll be getting the surgery he needs to live a full and healthy life.
The Animal Rescue Center Of California
This was a facebook birthday wish fundraiser by one of our Peeps. We don’t care which rescue organization you are fundraising for, we will always donate as long as animals are being saved.
“ARC was started by Kirk & Noelle Geiger to rescue animals that are completely without a home and wandering the streets of the Coachella Valley. Long time animal rights activist, they are currently providing a home for several of these furry kids and have worked to have them adopted or fostered. The broader goal is to find a facility to house these precious animals. Until then, they will (as Kirk says) continue to “go dogging” throughout Coachella.”
Farewell Beautiful Dexter
During the worst days of the pandemic, we helped a lot of people’s pets with food, supplies, medicines and vet visits. We started sending supplies to Dexter’s mom (I’ll respect the privacy here) in November 2020, and continued up until July, when Dexter needed to go to the Rainbow Bridge. He had diabetes but his mother took such incredibly great care of him he lived a lot longer because of it. We paid for Dexter’s trip to the Rainbow Bridge, sad to do so but happy we could be there for him and his mom. Run free beautiful Dexter!!
Mutt Match LA
Los Angeles
Mutt Match LA has long been one of the finest rescue organizations in existence. They have the fewest returned dogs because they really do know how to “make the match”. They just lost their longtime kennel to eviction, because the property was sold from under them. They spent everything to fight but lost. They must move NOW and they have some AMAZING dogs and puppies that need rescue NOW, as there is nowhere to go. If you’ve been thinking of adopting, now would be a great time. Also, Tails of Joy has pledged a matching grant to them of donations up to $10,000. So if you can’t adopt but would like to donate to help, you can donate to them directly here. Your donation will automatically be doubled.
Please see their website for even more amazing puppies and dogs.
Ralph’s Supermarkets Community Contribution Program
In California, linking your Ralph’s Rewards Card to Tails of Joy means we get a tiny bit of your grocery total every time you shop. Ralph’s makes the donation. It costs you nothing, and you are saving lives! Please help us get life- saving free money. Thank you! Start here.
Tail to Paw Animal Support
“Tail to Paw Animal Support works to insure that no owner has to abandon their companion animal on the streets or at a shelter due to their poverty level or housing status. TTPAS provides assistance with food, supplies, basic medical visits and vaccinations. We offer support through education, resources, referrals, and case management so that no animal is left behind and no human is left alone.”
That gets a Little Guy Grant!
Pooch Savers Rescue
Plano and Dallas Texas
A small hands-on rescue with big rescue numbers of doggies saved. They had one case that ate up a lot of money, preventing them from taking in as many dogs as they would like. We were happy to help.
Adopt Us!
Bullies and Buddies
Redondo Beach, CA
A great dog rescue organization we were happy to help. If you’re in the Southern California area, this might be where you get your new family member.
Wigglin’ Home Boxer Rescue
Washington State
Because… boxers.
Purr-Fect Match Animal Rescue
A very good all-volunteer cat rescue/adoption organization that also keeps the special needs cats who will never be adopted. We’re happy to support them.
Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care
Lake Tahoe
Their mission: Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release.
“We have a new arrival at LTWC! Everyone meet Tamarack! Last night we got a call about 7:30pm from a homeowner that had just returned to their home in Markleeville about a burned bear cub in their yard. VERY fortunate for the cub as they were the ONLY homeowners in the neighborhood that had returned. After calling the incident commander for the Tamarack fire & getting permission to go into the restricted area – we mobilized a team from LTWC & added Dr Shane Sheets to our entourage. We found the cub – sedated it (tried to run down the hill in the pitch black dark but we found him) & headed back to LTWC. After an exam it was found to be a 21 pound male cub, burns on all 4 feet. We gave him pain meds- fluids & treated the paws. We will reassess today for future treatment but as of this morning he was doing well. Big thanks to Dr Sheets- LTWC staff- Tamarack fire incident command & homeowners for helping give this cub ( who we named Tamarack) a second chance! Tamarack is stable but we have a long way to go! This lucky little survivor is going to need TONS of care & medical treatment!”
Tails of Joy was happy to help.
Elayne’s Birthday Wish on Facebook
We skipped birthday fundraising last year due to people being knocked out of work by Covid. We hope this year is better for all. If not, no worries. We love you and just take care of yourselves. If you can donate, great. Please don’t think $5 “isn’t enough”.
It all ADDS UP together to save needy animals. Of course we’ll take more too! Thanks, Peeps!
Don’t Leave Your Pet in a Hot Car This Summer, Not Even For “A Minute”
And don’t walk your dog during the hottest part of the day. They are much closer to the ground than we are, the heat radiates. Heat can travel through their paws and this can cause as much as a 15 degree increase in their body temperature which can cause heat stroke.
Shop Tails of Joy for great stuff! 100% to Rescue!
Stay Safe, Be Well, See You Soon!