Do you want pure joy? Adopt a senior pet. They are already trained, calm, smart, accommodating and so very grateful and loving. They are turnkey and move-in ready. They’ve been there, done that. They are the best.

Annie had been a bait dog in a fighting ring, which means her teeth had been filed down so she couldn’t fight back when they staked her for dogs to practice on. She was covered in bite scars; one ear was nothing but scar tissue. When she ended up at the shelter with no takers, the staff loved her so much, none of them could kill her when her time was up. Tails of Joy stepped in, and though we spent many months trying to get her adopted, there were no suitable takers for this sweet old girl.
I finally just kept her. Lucky for my husband and me. These last two years were some of the happiest for us, because of Annie. She was great in the car, which she loved. She traveled so well! She stayed at the Hilton in San Francisco,
the Cavalier in Cambria, motels along the Central Coast.
She ran on beaches, lay under tables in restaurants, and basked in a million compliments. She guarded our house, welcomed our friends, waited patiently at home, followed my husband everywhere, and we didn’t have to train her to do any of it.
She went to the rainbow bridge last week, safe and loved in my arms. She gave us so much joy, I can only hope the two years we were able to shower her with love and cookies wiped out any memories for her of the years before she came to us. I already miss you so. Run free Annie!
“Seniors for Seniors” is a great idea. Adopt an older dog or cat for an older person.
It staves off loneliness and depression, improves health and longevity. It gives people purpose, focus, and someone who needs them. It keeps them engaged. They have company, security, and someone to talk to. Older pets need less exercise and are very happy to be by the side of a loving person.
Senior pets are already housebroken, trained, mature, patient, loving, and incredibly grateful. They truly, truly know you saved their lives. They’ll protect your home, stay by your side, do your taxes and some light dusting.