Hot Town USA (which means everywhere today)
Hey Peeps, hot enough for ya? Tails of Joy has the best friends on earth. We did a little sale of these shirts:
And they just about sold right out. Not only that, but it reminded people we’re here, and we got some wonderful, life-saving donations too! Here are the sweet and grateful faces you helped save today by enabling us to make some Little Guy Grants:
Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation
Did you know that the week leading up to the 4th of July is the highest kill week in the shelters? The killing at the shelters has already begun, to make room for people’s pets that run away from the fireworks!
LBWF’s Newest Rescues
These dogs were in danger of losing their lives to make room for the upcoming Holiday intake. Now they are safe with us.
Shirt Saves Dog! Actually, make that Six Shirts Save Twelve Dogs. Thank you!
Do We Get Lollipops Too?
A dear old friend of ours needed a helping hand with medical bills, and thankfully her fundraiser helped keep her afloat. But her two adorable dogs did not know how to set up a “Go Fund Me” for themselves, so they emailed Tails of Joy instead. “We can’t eat nuffin! Our teefs hurt and we aint happy! Now our mommy feels better and we feel worse. Hewp us pweeze!” Well of course. Anything to stop the cute talk.
Mac and Mikey in their Halloween drag.
Keep Your Pets Safe on the Fourth of July
Peeps, I could tell you a million horror stories, but I won’t. Just know that July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters, when they are inundated with pets that panicked at the noise of firecrackers and fled into the night, winding up lost, injured or killed. Here are some good common sense tips:
- Keep your pets inside on July 4th whether you stay home or not. If you go out, leave them in a room they cannot possibly break out of, such as by crashing through a window (trust me, horror stories), when spooked by loud noises. Leave water, soothing music and lights on for them.
- Do not take them to fireworks displays.
- Keep them away from alcohol. Even a little bit can kill them, like anti-freeze. Also, if you’re having a picnic or barbecue, beer, chocolate, onions, coffee, avocado, grapes & raisins, salt and yeast dough are all possible hazards for dogs and cats.
- Oils, candles, insect coils and other citronella-based repellants are irritating toxins to pets, according to the ASPCA. They can cause severe respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, and ingestion can harm your pet’s nervous system. Don’t use human bug repellent on animals.
- Keep sparklers, glow sticks, fireworks, charcoal, lighter fluid and kabob skewers away from curious pets.
- If your pet has anxiety during fireworks or storms, consider a ThunderShirt. We have had many reports of success from people who bought them for their dogs and cats.
- Make sure your pet is microchipped. I cannot say this often enough. A collar may come off, a chip will get your pet home to you. The shelters all scan for chips and can return your dog to you. If you find a lost pet, any vet anywhere will scan the pet for free to see if the animal is chipped.
- Enjoy a safe, happy and fun holiday everyone!
Love this card? You can buy it from Tails of Joy! Inside it says: “Really, could it get any happier?” The back tells you our story and that the card benefits animal rescue 100%. Still only $3.00 each, free shipping! And we’re the only place licensed to sell a hard copy of this card.